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来源:未知 编辑:admin 时间:2021-11-06

剖腹产后恶露干净过几天又出血怎么办  In the early stage, it is the time after delivery.,The lochia may be bloody dew,The back will gradually become a slurry lochia,That is, there will be some white or yellow secretions。代孕哪里便宜

If you have a woman in front of the maternal woman in the cesarean section, it will be clean after ten days.,There will be a little bleeding after it will gradually,But if there is not much bleeding,And it is in the income period42Within the sky,This situation is not too worried,We can observe regularly,You can help uterine contractions by massage or some drugs。哪里代孕靠谱

but,If the bleeding is more than42There are many days or the amount of bleeding.,It is a bright red bleeding,Then you need timely go to the hospital for exaation,Learn if there is a non-old。代孕二胎

Even the possibility of homogenesis。供卵代孕




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